We are now nearly two months into 2016. For many business owners, the close of 2015 was an opportunity to take account of where their business stood – what it had accomplished in the past year, and where it’s likely to go in this one.
From our perspective, our year-end analysis found the overall US business climate to be an interesting one—a mixture of good and bad news, with both bright and daunting prospects on the horizon. By nature, Trion is a company that thrives in times of change and challenge, but that certainly doesn’t hold true for the majority of businesses. Stability, order, and a logical progression of events create the best overall business climate, but 2015’s close found all three in somewhat shorter supply than many companies might like.
Here’s where it seems we stand. On the plus side, the economy is still enjoying general growth overall, though it is faltering in some sectors and growth never really started in others. The unemployment rate is edging back towards something resembling normal levels. Interest rates remain at historically low levels for the moment. There are few signs of significant inflation, and we’re just starting to see some slight upward pressure on wages.
That’s the good news. Now, the other side of the coin.
Nobody has to tell you that globally we are experiencing tremendous uncertainty and upheaval—the broadcast news networks will certainly never let you forget it. Headlines are filled with terrorist attacks, plunging oil prices, downed airliners, military skirmishes throughout the Middle East and dotted throughout Asia. We’re facing the distinct possibility that US troops may be called to take an active role in Syria; the US is simultaneously in significant diplomatic and economic disputes with Russia and China; and there’s no clear favorite in sight for next year’s presidential elections, leaving considerable uncertainty as to future tax and economic policies. From a business owner’s standpoint, any and all of these circumstances have the potential to be disruptive.
As a business owner, you can’t control national or global events – but you have at least some control over your response to them. That control is amplified when plan ahead for them, and are ready to make changes on the fly as consumer sentiment changes, economic conditions shift, prices rise, or supply chains contract. Just as in the natural world, adaptation is the key to survival, and the advantage goes to companies ready to right-think, right-size, and right-strategize for the times they’re in and the times to come.
As human resource services specialists, that’s what Trion is all about. A big part of our business is helping our clients adapt constructively to change and meet emerging business challenges head on. We work to give companies the flexibility to adapt, both responsively and proactively as needed, making sure they have the right number of the right people in the right positions to get the job done—and freeing management up to focus on handling today’s urgent business needs, strategizing to meet tomorrow’s demands, and laying the groundwork for stability and success, no matter what the coming years may bring.
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